Do you want to keep your teeth & mouth in good shape?
A dental examination (check-up) is one of the best ways to look after your teeth and maintain a healthy mouth. At Northcote Dental, we recommend having a check-up at least every six months along with a good at-home oral hygiene routine to maintain a healthy mouth. Having regular check-ups helps to prevent problems from occurring down the road rather than trying to fix them once they have happened. Small problems can be discovered by your dentist early so treatment is simpler, more affordable, and less painful. When you visit your dentist regularly, you are less likely to need emergency care or experience toothache.
During a regular check-up at Northcote Dental, our dentists will do a thorough exam of all areas of your mouth, not just your teeth and gums. They will check for any issues including decay, the health of existing fillings, colour and shape of teeth, straightness of teeth, biting or jaw problems, oral cancer, or other abnormalities. They may require taking x-rays to see inside the teeth to give them more information for diagnosis. Our clinic has facilities to take all intra-oral x-rays and bigger scans to check wisdom teeth if required. We also have an airflow machine for pain-free cleans, removing any fear of pain you may be anxious about! At the end of your check-up, our dentists will have a good chat with you about your dental health and any concerns you may have.
Good oral hygiene is the best way to keep your teeth and gums healthy. Good oral health habits at home such as brushing twice a day and flossing daily play a key role in your oral health. However, even the most diligent home care needs to be supplemented by regular dental cleans at the dentist. Dental cleans involve the removal of all plaque (soft) and calculus (hard) deposits on your teeth and gums. This helps to prevent gum disease.
Our dentists will examine your mouth to assess the health of your gums and look for any signs of gum disease. They will then do a professional clean and polish, using both manual and ultrasonic technology to remove all the plaque on your teeth and gums. Once all the teeth have been cleaned, your dentist will polish the teeth to make them shiny, smooth and feel fresh again. At the end of your clean, our dentists will show you how to care for your teeth at home including how to brush and floss your teeth.